SMS:GenCade Menu

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Grid Frame dialog opened by the Edit Grid command
Water Level Events table is accessed through the Edit Water Level command

The GenCade menu has the following commands:

Edit Grid...
Opens a Grid Frame dialog.
Edit Water Level...
Opens the Water Level Events table.
Edit Wave Data...
Opens the Wave Gages table.
Filter Wave Data...
This tool was part of the GENESIS interface, but is currently not functional for GenCade.
Edit Breakwaters...
Opens the Detached Breakwaters table.
Edit Seawalls...
Opens the Seawalls table.
Edit Groins
Opens the Groins table.
Edit Inlets
Opens the Inlets (Resvoir Model and Jetties) table.
Edit Beach Fills...
Opens the Beach Fill table.
Edit Bypassing...
Opens the Bypassing table.
Model Control...
Starts the GenCade Model Control dialog which can be used to set beach conditions, lateral boundary conditions and general simulation options. See GenCade Model Control Dialog for more information.
Model Check
Starts the model checker to look for common errors.
Run GenCade...
This command will start the GenCade model.

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