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The following is a partial list of publications and reports related to the use of SMS. Please feel free to make additions to the list.
SMS Related Publications and Reports
WES reports are available through the Interlibrary Loan Service from the US Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station (WES) Library, telephone number (601) 634-2355. National Technical Information Service (NTIS) report numbers may be requested from WES Librarians. To purchase a copy of a report, call NTIS at (703) 487-4780.
- Pandey, Smita and A. D. Rao. (March 2018). "An improved cyclonic wind distribution for computation of storm surges". Natural Hazards Volume 92, Issue 1, pp 93–112. DOI: [1].
- Hachaj, Pawel S. (May 2018). "Preliminary Results of Applying 2D Hydrodynamic Models of Water Reservoirs to Identify their Ecological Potential". Polish Journal of Environmental Studies Vol. 27, No. 5, pp.2049-2057. DOI: 10.15244/pjoes/78675. [2]
- Chen, Lei; Bonar, Paul A. J.; Adcock, Thomas A. A. "Design of a tidal turbine array for the bohai strait, China." Proceedings of the ASME 2018 37th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering (June 2018). [3]
- Al-Khafaji, Mahmoud Saleh, and Zahraa Abdulhussain Abdulraheem. "A Deterministic Algorithm for Determination of Optimal Water Quality Monitoring Stations." Water Resources Management (2017): 1-18.[4]
- Korablina, A. D., A. T. Kondrin, and V. S. Arkhipkin. "Numerical simulations and statistics of surges in the White and Barents seas." Russ. J. Earth Sci 17 (2017).[5]
- Lavoie, Basile, and Tew-Fik Mahdi. "Comparison of two-dimensional flood propagation models: SRH-2D and Hydro_AS-2D." Natural Hazards 86, no. 3 (2017): 1207-1222.[6]
- Li, Honghai, and Mitchell E. Brown. Temperature Calculations in the Coastal Modeling System. US Army Engineer Research and Development Center Vicksburg United States, 2017.[7]
- Zhang, L., M. R. Hipsey, G. X. Zhang, B. Busch, and H. Y. Li. "Simulation of multiple water sources ecological replenishment for Chagan Lake based on coupled hydrodynamic and water quality models." Water Science and Technology: Water Supply (2017): ws2017079.[8]
- Bricheno, Lucy M., Judith Wolf, and Saiful Islam. "Tidal intrusion within a mega delta: An unstructured grid modelling approach." Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 182 (2016): 12-26. [9]
- Dyer, Tristan, and John Baugh. "SMT: An interface for localized storm surge modeling." Advances in Engineering Software 92 (2016): 27-39. [10]
- Elhakeem, Mohamed, and Thanos Papanicolaou. "Design Procedure Enhanced with Numerical Modeling to Mitigate River-Bank Erosion." In MATEC Web of Conferences, vol. 68, p. 08003. EDP Sciences, 2016. [11]
- Krien, Y., C. Mayet, L. Testut, F. Durand, A. R. Tazkia, A. K. M. S. Islam, V. V. Gopalakrishna et al. "Improved bathymetric dataset and tidal model for the northern Bay of Bengal." Marine Geodesy 39, no. 6 (2016): 422-438. [12]
- Lin, Lihwa, Zeki Demirbilek, and Gregory Mausolf. "Numerical Modeling of Sedimentation by Storm Waves at Sand Island in Lake Superior, Wisconsin." International Journal of Ecology & Development™ 31, no. 1 (2016): 1-31. [13]
- Sinha, Mourani, Ravi Kumar Yadav, and Paromita Chakraborty. "Island Modeling Using Unstructured Grid during a Tropical Storm." International Journal of Oceanography 2016 (2016). [14]
- Zandagba, Josué, Mahmoud Moussa, Ezéchiel Obada, and Abel Afouda. "Hydrodynamic Modeling of Nokoué Lake in Benin." Hydrology 3, no. 4 (2016): 44. [15]
- Pinho, José, Ferreira. R., Vieira, L., and Schwanenberg, D. (2015, January). "Comparison Between Two Hydrodynamic Models for Flooding Simulations at River Lima Basin" in Water Resources Management: Volume 29, Issue 2, pp. 431-444. [16]
- Vimeris, May Trio, Sugianto, D. H., and Wahyu Budi S (2015, January) "Kajian Refraksi-Difraksi dan Transformasi Penjalaran Gelombang Laut di Perairan Pantai Tapak Paderi Kota Bengkulu" in Journal of Oceanography volume 4, number 1, pp. 270-279. [17]
- Li, Honghai, Lin, L., Lu, C., Reed, C. W., and Shak, A. T. (2015, May). "Modeling study of Dana Point Harbor, California: littoral sediment transport around a semi-permeable breakwater" in Journal of Ocean Engineering and Marine Energy: Volume 1, Issue 2, pp. 181-192. [18]
- Siadatmousavia, S. Mostafa, Joseb, F., da Silvac, G. M. (2015, September). "Sensitivity of a third generation wave model to wind and boundary condition sources and model physics: A case study from the South Atlantic Ocean off Brazil coast" in Computers & Geosciences. DOI: 10.1016/j.cageo.2015.09.025. [19]
- Bilskie, Matthew V., Cogginb, D., Hagena, S. C., Medeiros, S. C. (2015, December). "Terrain-driven unstructured mesh development through semi-automatic vertical feature extraction" in Advances in Water Resources: Volume 86, Part A, pp. 102–118. [20]
- Marusic, Galina, Sandu, I., Vasilache, V., Filote, C., Sevcenco, N., and Cretu, M. (2015) "Modeling of Spacio-temporal Evolution of Fluoride Dispersion in 'River-type' Systems" in Rev. Chim. (Bucharest), volume 66, number 4, pp. 503-506. [21]
- 罗全胜, 曹明伟, and 谢龙. (2015) "三峡大坝 175 m 蓄水运行后猪儿碛河段水动力条件变化分析" in 长江科学院院报, volume 32, number 5, pp. 1-5. [22]
- Stanev, Emil V., Zhang, J. Y., Grashorn, S., Koch, W., Pein, J., and Jacob, B. (2014, October). "Downscaling to Study Straits, Inlets and Tidal-Bays Dynamics: Unstructured Grid Model Simulations in the North and Baltic Seas." [23]
- Gerstner, N., Belzner, F., & Thorenz, C. (2014) "Simulation of Flood Scenarios with Combined 2D/3D Numerical Models." [24]
- Savant, G., & McAlpin, T. O. (2014). "Tidal Hydrodynamics in the Lower Columbia River Estuary through Depth Averaged Adaptive Hydraulics Modeling." Journal of Engineering, 2014. [25]
- Bilskie, M. V., Akhavian, R., and Hagen, S. (2014). "Bare Earth LiDAR to Gridded Topography for the Pascagoula River, MS: An Accuracy Assessment." Bridges, 10, 9780784412411-00018.
- Fulton, J. W. and Wagner, C. R. (2014). "Calibration of a Two-Dimensional Hydrodynamic Model for Parts of the Allegheny, Monongahela, and Ohio Rivers, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania" (No. SIR-2013-5145, p. 53). United States Geological Survey. [26]
- Huang, J. and Russell, K. (2014) "Two-Dimensional Numerical Simulation of a Grand Canyon Sandbar during a High Flow Experiment." World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2014: pp. 1183-1190.
- Li, H., Sanchez, A., Wu, W., & Reed, C. (2013, August). "Implementation of Structures in the CMS: Part 1, Rubble Mound" (No. ERDC/CHL-CHETN-IV-93). Engineer Research and Development Center Vicksburg MS Coastal and Hydraulics Lab. [27]
- Marusic, G., and Ciufudean, C. (2013, June). "Current state of research on water quality of Prut River." In Proceedings of the 11th WSEAS International Conference on Environment, Ecosystems and Development (EED13), pp. 1-3. [28]
- Dobroliubov, S., Arkhipkin, V., Koltermann, P., Surkova, G., & Bublik, D. (2013, April). "High-resolution retrospective analysis of storm surges in the North Caspian Sea based on numerical simulations." In EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts (Vol. 15, p. 7572).
- Lyubimova, T., Lepikhin, A., Parshakova, Y., Tiunov, A., Konovalov, V., & Shumilova, N. (2013, March). "Numerical modelling of admixture transport in a turbulent flow at river confluence." In Journal of Physics: Conference Series (Vol. 416, No. 1, p. 012028). IOP Publishing. [29]
- Petrescu, V., Ianus, L., & Sirbu, N. (2013) "Mathematical modeling of selective withdrawal from heliothermic stratified lakes. Case study" U.P.B. Sci. Bull., Series D. (Vol. 75, Issue 2) [30]
- McAlpin, T. O., Sharp, J. A., Scott, S. H., & Savant, G. (2013). "Habitat Restoration and Flood Control Protection in the Kissimmee River." Wetlands, 33(3), 551-560.
- Marusic, G., Sandu, I., Moraru, V., Vasilache, V., Cretu, A., Filote, C., & Ciufudean, C. (2012, May) "Software for modeling spatial and temporal evolution of river-type systems." In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Development and Application Systems (pp. 17-19). [31]
- Li, H., & MacDonald, N. (2012, April). "Use of the PTM with CMS Quadtree Grids" (No. ERDC/CHL-CHETN-IV-82). Engineer Research and Development Center Vicksburg MS Coastal and Hydraulics Lab. [32]
- Ortiz, J. C., Salcedo, B., & Otero, L. J. (2012). "Investigating the Collapse of the Puerto Colombia Pier (Colombian Caribbean Coast) in March 2009: Methodology for the Reconstruction of Extreme Events and the Evaluation of their Impact on the Coastal Infrastructure." Journal of Coastal Research, 30(2), 291-300.
- Miot da Silva, G., Siadat Mousavi, S. M., & Jose, F. (2012). "Wave-driven sediment transport and beach-dune dynamics in a headland bay beach." Marine Geology, 323, 29-46.
- Wagner, D. M. (2012) "Two-Dimensional Simulation of the June 11, 2010, Flood of the Little Missouri River at Albert Pike Recreation Area, Ouachita National Forest, Arkansas." Scientific Investigations Report 2012–5274, USGS. [33]
- Jiang, J., Wang, P., Lung, W. S., Guo, L., & Li, M. (2012). "A GIS-based generic real-time risk assessment framework and decision tools for chemical spills in the river basin." Journal of hazardous materials, 227, 280-291.
- Smith, T. J., Piotrowski, J. A., Young, N. C., Schnoebelen, D. J., & Weber, L. J. (2011). "Simulation of Spatial and Temporal Trends in Upper Mississippi River Physical Habitat." In Proceedings of the 34th World Congress of the International Association for Hydro-Environment Research and Engineering: 33rd Hydrology and Water Resources Symposium and 10th Conference on Hydraulics in Water Engineering (p. 3952). Engineers Australia.
- Massey, T. C., Anderson, M. E., Smith, J. M., Gomez, J., & Jones, R. (2011, September). "STWAVE: Steady-State Spectral Wave Model User's Manual for STWAVE, Version 6.0" (No. ERDC/CHL-SR-11-1). Engineer Research and Development Center Vicksburg MS Coastal and Hydraulics Lab. [34]
- Anderson, M. E., Lin, L., & Demirbilek, Z. (2011, April). "CMS-Wave Model: Part 4. An Automated Procedure for CMS-Wave in Resource-Demanding Applications" (No. ERDC/CHL-CHETN-IV-79). Engineer Research and Development Center Vicksburg MS Coastal and Hydraulics Lab. [35]
- Li, H., Lin, L., & Brown, M. E. (2011, January). "Applying Particle Tracking Model in the Coastal Modeling System" (No. ERDC/CHL-CHETN-IV-78). Engineer Research and Development Center Vicksburg MS Coastal and Hydraulics Lab. [36]
- Sasaki, J., Komatsu, Y., Matsumaru, R., & Wiyono, R. U. A. (2011). "Unstructured model investigation of 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami inundation in Banda Aceh, Indonesia." J. Coast. Res, 941-945. [37]
- Pasquale, N., Perona, P., Schneider, P., Shrestha, J., Wombacher, A., & Burlando, P. (2010, November). "Modern comprehensive approach to monitor the morphodynamic evolution of restored river corridors." Hydrology and Earth System Sciences Discussions, 7(6), 8873-8912. [38]
- Glenn, J. S., & Bartell, E. M. (2010). "Evaluating Short-Circuiting Potential of Stormwater Ponds." In World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2010@ sChallenges of Change (pp. 3942-3951). ASCE.
- Cook, A., & Merwade, V. (2009). "Effect of topographic data, geometric configuration and modeling approach on flood inundation mapping." Journal of Hydrology, 377(1), 131-142.
- Sep 2008 Modeling of Morphologic Changes Caused by Inlet Management Strategies at Big Sarasota Pass, Florida [39]
- Jul 2008 ERDC/CHL CHETN-IV-71 Particle Tracking Model (PTM) in the SMS 10: IV. Link to Coastal Modeling System [40]
- SRH-2D Training Presentation [41]
- Aug 2007 ERDC/CHL CHETN-I-76 Modeling Nearshore Waves for Hurricane Katrina [42]
- Aug 2007 ERDC/CHL CHETN-I-75 Full-Plane STWAVE with Bottom Friction: II. Model Overview [43]
- Jul 2007 ERDC/CHL CHETN-IV-69 Tips for Developing Bathymetry Grids for Coastal Modeling System Applications [44]
- May 2007 ERDC/CHL CHETN-I-73 Infra-Gravity Wave Input Toolbox (IGWT): User’s Guide [45]
- May 2007 ERDC/CHL CHETN-I-73 May 2007 Infra-Gravity Wave Input Toolbox (IGWT): User’s Guide [46]
- May 2007 ERDC/CHL CHETN-I-74 WABED Model in the SMS: Part 2. Graphical Interface [47]
- Lai, Y.G. and Bountry, J.A. (2007). "Numerical modeling study of levee setback alternatives for lower Dungeness River, Washington" [48]
- Sep 2006 9th International Workshop On Wave Hindcasting and Forecasting Jane McKee Smith Modeling Nearshore Waves For Hurricane Katrina [49]
- Sep 2006 ERDC/CHL TR-06-20 PTM: Particle Tracking Model [50]
- Aug 2006 ERDC/CHL TR-06-9 Two-Dimensional Depth-Averaged Circulation Model CMS-M2D: Version 3.0, Report 2, Sediment Transport and Morphology Change [51]
- Jul 2006 ERDC/CHL CHETN-III-73 Wave-Action Balance Equation Diffraction (WABED) Model: Tests of Wave Diffraction and Reflection at Inlets [52]
- 2006 Short Course Presentation FISC[53]
- Mar 2006 ERDC/CHL CHETN-I-71 Full Plane STWAVE: SMS Graphical Interface [54]
- Feb 2006 ERDC/CHL CHETN-IV-67 Frequently-Asked Questions (FAQs) About Coastal Inlets and U.S. Army Corps of Engineers' Coastal Inlets Research Program (CIRP) [55]
- Lai, Y.G. and Bountry, J.A. (2006). "Numerical hydraulic modeling and assessment in support of Elwha Surface Diversion Project." [56]
- Lai, Y.G., Holburn, E.R., and Bauer, T.R. (2006)."Analysis of sediment transport following removal of the Sandy River Delta Dam."[57]
- Bountry J.A. and Lai, Y.G. (2006)."Numerical modeling of flow hydraulics in support of the Savage Rapids Dam removal."[58]
- Jul 2005 ERDC TN-DOER-D4 Particle Tracking Model (PTM) in the SMS: I. Graphical Interface [59]
- Jul 2005 ERDC TN-DOER-D5 Particle Tracking Model (PTM): II. Overview of Features and Capabilities [60]
- Jul 2005 ERDC TN-DOER-D6 Particle Tracking Model (PTM) in the SMS: III. Tutorial with Examples [61]
- May 2005 ERDC/CHL CHETN-I-70 BOUSS-2D Wave Model in SMS: 2. Tutorial with Examples [62]
- Mar 2005 ERDC/CHL CHETN-I-69 BOUSS-2D Wave Model in the SMS: 1. Graphical Interface [63]
- May 2005 ERDC/CHL CHETN-IV-63 Representation of Nonerodible (Hard) Bottom in Two-Dimensional Morphology Change Models [64]
- 2005 US-China Workshop Paper[65]
- May 2004 ERDC/CHL TR-04-2 Two-Dimensional Depth-Averaged Circulation Model M2D: Version 2.0, Report 1, Technical Documentation and User’s Guide [66]
- Mar 2004 ERDC/CHL CHETN-I-68 How to Use CGWAVE with SMS:An Example for Tedious Creek Small Craft Harbor [67]
- Dec 2003 ERDC/CHL CHETN-IV-60 SMS Steering Module for Coupling Waves and Currents, 2: M2D and STWAVE [68]
- Jun 2003 ERDC/CHL CHETN-I-67 Tedious Creek Small Craft Harbor:CGWAVE Model Comparisons Between Existing and Authorized Breakwater Configurations[69]
- Jun 2002 ERDC/CHL CHETN-I-66 Grid Nesting with STWAVE [70]
- Jun 2002 ERDC/CHL CHETN-IV-41 SMS Steering Module for Coupling Waves and Currents, 1: ADCIRC and STWAVE [71]
- Mar 2002 ERDC/CHL CHETN-IV-40 Guidelines for Using Eastcoast 2001 Database of Tidal Constituents within Western North Atlantic Ocean, Gulf of Mexico and Caribbean Sea [72]
- Mar 2002 ERDC/CHL CHETN-II-45 Wave Transmission at Detached Breakwaters for Shoreline Response Modeling [73]
- Sep 2001 ERDC/CHL CHETN-I-64 Modeling Nearshor Wave Transformation with STWAVE [74]
- Sep 2001 ERDC/CHL TR-1-25 BOUSS-2D: A Boussinesq Wave Model for Coastal Regions and Harbors [75]
- Jun 2001 ERDC/CHL CHETN-IV-32 Leaky Internal-Barrier Normal-Flow Boundaries in the ADCIRC Coastal Hydrodynamics Code [76]
- Mar 2001 Technical Report CHL-98-32 Shinnecock Inlet, New York, site Investigation Report 4, Evaluation of Flood and Ebb shoal Sediment Source Alternatives for the West of Shinnecock Interim Project, New York [77]
- Dec 1999 Coastal Engineering Technical Note IV-21 Surface-Water Modeling System Tidal Constituents Toolbox for ADCIRC [78] [79]
- Aug 1998 Technical Report CHL-98-xx CGWAVE: A Coastal Surface Water Wave Model of the Mild Slope Equation [80]
- Mar 1990 CETN-II-21 Computer Program: Genesis Version 2 [81]
External Lists of Articles
SMS – Surface-water Modeling System | ||
Modules: | 1D Grid • Cartesian Grid • Curvilinear Grid • GIS • Map • Mesh • Particle • Quadtree • Raster • Scatter • UGrid | ![]() |
General Models: | 3D Structure • FVCOM • Generic • PTM | |
Coastal Models: | ADCIRC • BOUSS-2D • CGWAVE • CMS-Flow • CMS-Wave • GenCade • STWAVE • WAM | |
Riverine/Estuarine Models: | AdH • HEC-RAS • HYDRO AS-2D • RMA2 • RMA4 • SRH-2D • TUFLOW • TUFLOW FV | |
Aquaveo • SMS Tutorials • SMS Workflows |