Template:GMS MODFLOW 6 PEST Observation Plots Workflow

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1. Create a PEST Observations package.

If a PEST Observations package wasn't created earlier in the project, create it now:

  1. Click on a groundwater flow model and select the New Package | PEST Observations command.
  2. Double-click on the PEST Observations package and use the MODFLOW 6 PEST Observations dialog to generate the observations.
2. Save and run MODFLOW 6.
  1. In the Project Explorer, right-click on the MODFLOW 6 simulation and Save Simulation and Run.
  2. The Simulation Run Queue dialog will appear; allow the simulation to run to completion.
  3. When the simulation has finished successfully, click Load Solution.
3. Visualize the solution.

Template:GMS MODFLOW 6 visualize PEST Observation Data Workflow