GMS:MODFLOW Parameters Disclaimer

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The "key value" approach is the preferred approach to defining parameters in GMS. Using key values is the only option for WEL, RIV, DRT, DRN, GHB, CHD, STR, and HFB parameters. In GMS, using the key value approach with these parameters provides the same functionality of parameter instances available in MODFLOW.

Key values can also be used with array based parameters. However, GMS does support defining array based parameters with clusters and instances (for ETS, EVT, RCH parameters).

When reading in a MODFLOW simulation that was created outside of GMS all parameters will be converted to key values so long as the parameter can be represented by key values.

Key values can not be used to represent an array based parameter if the parameter is defined using more than one cluster or more than one instance. Also, if more than one parameter uses the same zone array with a matching IZ value then the parameter can not be represented using key values. Further, if the multiplier array associated with the parameter has values other than 1.0 in the zones where the parameter is used then the parameter can not be represented with key values.

The standard MODFLOW method is considered an "advanced" feature in GMS. Only users that understand how MODFLOW uses parameters should attempt to use this feature.