Template:Ugrid Clip Scalar Range Workflow

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Revision as of 16:22, 16 January 2017 by Jcreer (talk | contribs)

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1. Convert cell dataset to node dataset. (optional)
For scalar To use the "Partial Cells" option UGrid Clip Settings dialog
  1. Right-click on a cell dataset in the Ugrid and select the Convert to Point Dataset menu command.
  2. Enter a name in the New Dataset Name dialog.
2. Set UGrid clipping display options.
  1. Select the Display | Display Options menu command.
  2. In the UGrid tab, turn on the Clip options and click the Options dialog.
  3. In the UGrid Clip Settings dialog, select the "Scalar Range" setting and set the range values.
    • Only values within the selected scalar values will be displayed.