Template:Edit TINs Workflow

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Revision as of 17:31, 17 January 2017 by Jcreer (talk | contribs)

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1. Select and delete thin triangles.
  1. Select TINs | Advanced | Select Boundary Triangles.
  2. Press the Delete key to remove them.
2. Locking and unlocking vertices.
  1. Select TINs | Lock All Vertices.
    • If a check mark is showing next to this command then vertices cannot be moved or edited.
    • Selecting this command to add or remove the check mark.
3. Moving vertices.
1. Manually move vertices.
  1. Using the Select Vertices Select Point tool.png tool, click and drag vertices to change their values.
2. Use the edit window.
  1. Select a vertex using the Select Vertices Select Point tool.png tool.
  2. Change the vertex values in the Edit Window.
4. Add vertices.
  1. Using the Create Vertices Create Vertices tool.png tool, click in Graphics Window.
5. Delete vertices.
  1. Select a vertex using the Select Vertices Select Point tool.png tool.
  2. Press the Delete key.