SMS:Interpolation VTK

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VTK Dataset Interpolation

VTK datasets can be interpolated to create functions or datasets on mesh2d, cgrid, scatter, VTK mesh or curvilinear geometric objects. The interpolation is invoked in the Project Explorer by right-clicking on the VTK mesh or curvilinear geometric object (from which the source datasets will be obtained) and then selecting the Interpolate to... option.

Interpolation Dialog

When selecting an interpolation command, the Interpolation Option dialog appears. Selects the appropriate options and once the OK button is selected, the interpolation procedure is performed. Specified options include:

  • Interpolation Method – Select a current method that is used for all interpolation until another method is selected. The supported methods include:
  • Extrapolation Method – If the VTK dataset does not bound the data being interpolated to, an extrapolation value is used for each location outside the boundary or if the location has be marked as inactive. Select the method to be used to generate the extrapolation value from the following:
    • Inactive – The dataset value is set to a null indicator and is not displayed.
      (Note: scatter sets do not support inactive cell so this option is not available when they are the selected target.)
    • Inverse Distance Weighted (IDW)
    • Constant Value – A single value is applied to all extrapolated locations in the dataset.
    • Existing Dataset Value – The corresponding value from a specified existing dataset can be used for locations outside of the bounds of the source VTK dataset. The dataset must be from the same object being interpolated to and must be of the same type (i.e. scalar, vector).
  • Target objects – The use selects a target for interpolation from this tree list of geometrics objects.
  • Source object info – This section contains a tree list of the source datasets and information regarding their usage as follows
    • Datasets to interpolate – Selects the datasets to interpolate from by marking their check box. Multiple datasets may be interpolated at a time.
    • New name – Renames the dataset created as a result of the interpolation.
    • Map Z – Designates the dataset created as the elevation or "Z" dataset by marking the appropriate check box.
    • Extrapolation Constant Value – The column is displayed when the "Constant Value" Extrapolation Method is selected. Enter the single value to apply to the extrapolation locations for each dataset to be interpolated from.
    • Extrapolation Dataset – This column is displayed when the "Existing Dataset Value" Extrapolation Method is selected. Select an extrapolation dataset for each dataset to be interpolated from.

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