Template:SMS Export Data Workflow

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1. Export data as a shapefile.
  1. Select File | Save As.
  2. Select Save as type: and choose "Shapefiles (*.shp)".
  3. In the Export Shapefile dialog, select the feature object types or mesh elements to be saved.
2. Export data as a delimited text file.
  1. Select the scatter, mesh, or grid dataset in the Project Explorer to export as a delimited text file.
  2. Use the File | Save As menu command.
  3. In the Save As dialog, change the Save as type field, select "Tabular Data File (*.txt)".
  4. In the Export Tabular File dialog, define the delimiter and define the data to be included in the file.
3. Export data as a KMZ file.
  1. Be in 'Plan View.
  2. Select File | Save As.
  3. Select Save as type: and choose "GoogleEarth Raster KMZ File (*.kmz)" or "GoogleEarth Vector KMZ File (*.kmz)".
4. Export data as an image file.
1. Save image displayed in Graphics Window.
  1. Select File | Save As.
  2. Save the project as an image type (BMP, JPEG, TIFF, etc...).
2. Copy image displayed in Graphics Window to clipboard.
  1. Select Edit | Copy to Clipboard.
  2. Paste the image into another program (Microsoft Word, Photoshop, Paint, etc...).
3. Export a resampled raster file.
  1. Right-click on the image object and select the Export command.
  2. Set exporting preferences in the Resample and Export Raster dialog.
  3. Save the image file.
4. Export a world file.
  1. Right-click on the image object and select the Export World File command.
  2. Save the world file.