Template:GMS TINs Procedure Workflows

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Revision as of 17:40, 17 January 2017 by Jcreer (talk | contribs)

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1. Create TINs in GMS.
1. Import vertices to TIN module.
  1. Use File | Open... to open files with scatter data.
    • Alternatively, drag and drop the file into the Graphics Window in GMS.
  2. Use the File Import Wizard to specify how to import the data.
2. Triangulate vertices.
  1. Right-click on vertices in the TIN module and select the Triangulate menu command.
2. TIN display options.
  1. Click Display Options Display Options macro.png macro.
  2. Select "TIN Data" tab.
3. Editing TINs.
1. Select and delete thin triangles.
  1. Select TINs | Advanced | Select Boundary Triangles.
  2. Press the Delete key to remove them.
2. Locking and unlocking vertices.
  1. Select TINs | Lock All Vertices.
    • If a check mark is showing next to this command then vertices cannot be moved or edited.
    • Selecting this command to add or remove the check mark.
3. Moving vertices.
1. Manually move vertices.
  1. Using the Select Vertices Select Point Tool.svg tool, click and drag vertices to change their values.
    • Use the Plan View Plan View Macro.svg to change the XY value of the vertices.
    • Use the Oblique View Oblique View Macro.svg to change the Z value of the vertices.
2. Use the edit window.
  1. Select a vertex using the Select Vertices Select Point Tool.svg tool.
  2. Change the vertex values in the Edit Window.
4. Add vertices.
  1. Using the Create Vertices Create Points Tool.svg tool, click in Graphics Window.
5. Delete vertices.
  1. Select a vertex using the Select Vertices Select Point Tool.svg tool.
  2. Press the Delete key.
4. Smoothing TINs.
1. Subdivide TINs.
  1. Right-click on the TIN in the Project Explorer and select Subdivide.
  2. Enter subdivision parameters in the Subdivision Factor dialog.
2. Interpolate elevation to TINs.
  1. Make the TIN to be smoothed the active TIN.
  2. In the Project Explorer, right-click on a scatter point set and select Interpolate To | Active TIN.
  3. Set interpolation options in the Interpolate → Object dialog.
5. Managing TINs.