SMS:ADCIRC Tidal Constituents: Difference between revisions

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<!--The directory that the user puts their files is out of date. this article tells users to put them in the site-packages directory, but for many users this folder is protected and they can't write ther.
so the directory we look is in appdata.
To get to that directory, the user can open a file browser and enter %appdata%
That will send them to a directory for their application data. For me, it is in: C:\Users\azundel\AppData\Roaming
From that folder they need a folder named "harmonica" and a folder named "data" in that folder..
So again, for me, the total path is C:\Users\azundel\AppData\Roaming\harmonica\data
Each tidal database has its own folder in the data folder.
for example, my txpo8 folder is: C:\Users\azundel\AppData\Roaming\harmonica\data\tpxo8
I am not sure the typical user knows how to get to appdata. That is why I described it to you.
Once they are there, the instructions should be in line with what we have on the wiki-->
SMS uses Harmonica ([]) for harmonic tidal data extraction. Harmonica is an open-source Python API that supports several tidal models. The ADCIRC 2015 and legacy LeProvost models are freely distributed, and the datasets are automatically downloaded from the Internet the first time an extraction is performed using one of these models. The FES2014, TPXO8 and TPXO9 models are also supported but require a separate license from their distributors. Complete the following steps to use the licensed datasets in SMS.
SMS uses Harmonica ([]) for harmonic tidal data extraction. Harmonica is an open-source Python API that supports several tidal models. The ADCIRC 2015 and legacy LeProvost models are freely distributed, and the datasets are automatically downloaded from the Internet the first time an extraction is performed using one of these models. The FES2014, TPXO8 and TPXO9 models are also supported but require a separate license from their distributors. Complete the following steps to use the licensed datasets in SMS.

Revision as of 19:00, 23 April 2021

SMS uses Harmonica ( for harmonic tidal data extraction. Harmonica is an open-source Python API that supports several tidal models. The ADCIRC 2015 and legacy LeProvost models are freely distributed, and the datasets are automatically downloaded from the Internet the first time an extraction is performed using one of these models. The FES2014, TPXO8 and TPXO9 models are also supported but require a separate license from their distributors. Complete the following steps to use the licensed datasets in SMS.


Steps for installing the FES2014 model:

  1. Copy all FES2014 tidal elevation *.nc files to the <Path to SMS installation>/Python36/Lib/site-packages/harmonica/data/fes2014
    • If the “data” or “fes2014” folders do not exist, create them.
  2. Ensure all of the NetCDF files follow the default FES2014 naming convention: <constituent name>.nc (e.g., “”, “”).


Steps for installing the TPXO8 model:

  1. Copy all TPXO8 tidal elevation *.nc files to the <Path to SMS installation>/Python36/Lib/site-packages/harmonica/data/tpxo8
    • If the “data” or “tpxo8” folders do not exist, create them.
  2. Harmonica expects the NetCDF files to be named with the default convention used by OSU.
    • For 1/30 degree constituents (K1, K2, M2, M4, N2, O1, P1, Q1, S2): Files should be named “hf.<constituent name>” (e.g., “”, “”).
    • For 1/6 degree constituents (MF, MM, MN4, MS4): Files should be named “hf.<constituent name>” (e.g., “”, “”).


Steps for installing the TPXO9 model:

  1. Copy the TPXO9 tidal elevation NetCDF file to the <Path to SMS installation>/Python36/Lib/site-packages/harmonica/data/tpxo9/tpxo9_netcdf
    • If the “data”, “tpxo9”, or “tpxo9_netcdf” folders do not exist, create them.
  2. Harmonica expects the tidal elevation NetCDF file to be named “”. Rename the file if necessary.

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