SMS:Building TUFLOW 2D Domains

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TUFLOW 2D domains are cartesian (rectilinear) grids. 2D domains are created using a Cartesian Grid Frame inside a TUFLOW Grid Extents Coverage.

Grids store elevation values at each corner, midside, and center. There are several Grid Options that apply to a grid that can be specified by right-clicking on the grid and choosing Properties.

A 2D domain is represented as a 2D Geometry Component in the TUFLOW interface. A 2D Geometry component includes the grid and associated coverages.

Grid elevations can be modified using the select grid location tool by selecting and changing the z values at specific directions. A 2D TUFLOW Geometry Modification Coverage can also be used to force elevations using arcs or polygons.

Multiple grids can be used inside the same simulation. The grid used in each area of the domain is specified using a TUFLOW 2D/2D Link Coverage.