SMS:Conversions Scalar/Vector

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Conversions Scalar↔Vector

Datasets can be converted from scalar datasets to vector dataset or converted from vector datasets to scalar datasets.

Scalar to Vector

Converts two scalar datasets to a single vector dataset. The specified scalar datasets can be either magnitude and direction or x and y components.

To convert to vector do the following:

  1. In the project explorer, select two scalar datasets. Click on the first dataset, press and hold down the CTRL key, then click the second dataset.
  2. Right-click on the selected datasets and select Scalars to Vector.
  3. Select whether the datasets are magnitude and direction or x and y components.
  4. Give the new vector dataset a name in the Dataset Name field.
  5. Click Ok.

Vector to Scalar

Converts a single vector dataset into one or more scalar datasets. The resulting scalar datasets can be magnitude, direction, x or y components.

To convert to scalar do the following:

  1. In the project explorer, right-click on a vector dataset and select Vector to Scalars.
  2. Right-click on the selected datasets and select Scalars to Vector.
  3. Place checkbox's next to the datasets that the user wants to create.
  4. Give the new scalar datasets a prefix in the Prefix field.
  5. Click Ok.