SMS:Recompute All Stations

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This function can be used if an arc's "Computational Length" value on a river changes. It sets the Start and End station values for each of the arcs with the same river name based on the computational lengths of each arc. So, for example, if you had 3 arcs in a river, the most downstream arc being 30 feet, the next arc being 40 feet, and the next arc being 50 feet, the starting and ending stations would be as follows for each of the arcs:

Arc Start Station End Station
1 (downstream) 0.0 30.0
2 30.0 70.0
3 70.0 120.0

These start and end stations are set when you assign a river name to an arc, so you should really never need the "recompute all stations" command unless you change the computational length, start station, or end station values for a centerline arc.

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