Template:GMS Convert to 2D Scatter Workflow

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1. 2D grid to 2D scatter point.
  1. Select the Grid | Convert To> | 2D Scatter Points menu command.
  2. Enter a name in the Scatter Point Set Name dialog.
2. 2D mesh to 2D scatter point.
  1. Select the Mesh | Convert To> | 2D Scatter Points menu command.
  2. Enter a name in the Scatter Point Set Name dialog.
3. Map to 2D scatter point.
  1. Select the Feature Objects |Map → 2D Scatter Points menu command.
  2. Enter a name in the Scatter Point Set Name dialog.
4. TIN to 2D scatter point.
5. Boreholes to 2D scatter point.
6. MODFLOW Layers to 2D scatter point.