Template:SEEP2D Generate Mesh Workflow

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1. Redistribute vertices.
1. Manually add or remove vertices.
  1. Use the Create Vertex GMS Create Vertex.svg tool to add vertices along arcs.
  2. Use the Select Vertex GMS Select Vertex Tool.svg tool to select vertices and delete them using the Delete key.
2. Use the redistribute vertices tool.
  1. Select arcs with the Select Arc GMS Select Arc Tool.svg tool.
  2. Select the Feature Objects | Redistribute Vertices menu command.
  3. Use the Redistribute Vertices dialog to add or remove vertices by changing the distribution.
2. Convert the SEEP2D coverage to a 2D mesh.
  1. Select the SEEP2D coverage in the Project Explorer.
  2. Select the Map to 2D Mesh Map to 2D Mesh Macro.svg macro.