Template:ADCIRC Levee Checks Workflow

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The ADCRIC check/fix levee tools require an ADCRIC project with the following components:

  • An ADCRIC boundary conditions converage.
  • A 2D mesh or grid used as the domain for the ADCIRC simulation.
1. Check/fix levee crest elevations.
  1. Click the Toolbox Toolbox macro.png macro to open the Toolbox dialog.
  2. In the Toolbox dialog, select the Check/Fix Levee Crest Elevations tool under the ADCRIC folder and click the Run Tool... button.
  3. In the ADCIRC Check/Fix Levee Crest Elevations dialog, select the ADCRIC boundary conditions coverage and the domain grid, then enter the other parameters before running the tool.
2. Check/fix levee ground elevations.