SMS:CMS-Flow Menu 11.2 and earlier

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The CMS-Flow menu includes commands for editing and running a simulation. This includes viewing and assigning boundary conditions and cell attributes, checking the simulation for common errors, and specifying model parameters. Commands from the menu include:

  • Assign BC... – This command is inactive unless a cell string is selected. It allows the user to assign a boundary condition to the cell string through the CMS-Flow Boundary Conditions Dialog. Depending on the boundary condition type, curves may be created or extracted to define the boundary condition. When appropriate, the file browse button allows the user to load an already-existing time series for use with one of the time series boundary conditions. Boundary conditions specified within this dialog include:
    • Land When a cell string is created, the string receives this assignment. This defines a boundary as closed and no flow will cross this boundary.
    • Flow Rate-forcing A time series must be defined (by clicking the Define Curve… button) that contains a list of times and flow rates in m3/sec along the boundary.
    • WSE-forcing A time series must be defined for either the string or each cell in the string. The time series associated with this boundary contains a list of times and water levels in meters along the boundary. An option to extract time series curves or each cell can be applied to regional models loaded into SMS or create time series curves from tidal constituents.
    • Tidal Constituent-forcing Uses up to eight tidal constituents to force with. Tidal constituents are specified within the CMS Tidal Constituent dialog accessed in the Model Control dialog.
    • WSE and Velocity-forcing This option adds the requirement to specify currents at each cell to the WSE-forcing option. These must be extracted from a regional model.
  • Delete BC – This command is inactive unless a cell string is selected. It allows the user to delete the boundary condition assigned to that string.
  • Assign Cell Attributes – This command allows the user to set an individual cells status. A cell can be active (water), inactive (land), or observation. Observation cells are assumed to be active. The user also specifies a roughness value for the cell. In future versions a material type will be specified instead of a roughness value directly. Observation cells can be assigned where CMS-Flow can write time series and/or flow rate output files.
  • Merge Cells – This command allows the user to merge consecutive rows or columns into one. The select row or column tools must be used to perform this operation.
  • Model Check...
  • CMS-Flow Model Control...
  • Run CMS-Flow ... – This command launches the CMS-Flow model for the current simulation.

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