SMS:CMS-Wave Cell Attributes Dialog

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The CMS-Wave Cell Attributes dialog is used to assign a cell type to selected Cells. It is opened using the menu command CMS-Wave | Assign Cell Attributes. The following cell types can be assigned:

CMS-Wave Cell Attributes dialog


The elevation values of these cells will be used in order to determine whether flow exists in each cell or not.


The cell attributes dialog of CMS-Wave supports various structure types. Each type of structure can specify an attribute value. The following structure types are supported:

  • Bathymetry modification – for adding alternative feature or structure (immersed or exposed) without modifying the input depth
  • Wave runup – for calculation of wave runup and overwash on beach face or structure, and adjacent land
  • Floating breakwater – for calculation of transmitted waves of a floating breakwater
  • Wall breakwater – for a vertical wall breakwater
  • Rubble-mound – for a composite or rubble-mound breakwater
  • Piers/docks – High permeability; for a pier or dock
  • Rubble-mound breakwater – Low permeability; for a rubble-mound breakwater

Each of the structures can provide an optional attribute value. The value specified is as follows:

CMS-Wave Structure Attributes
Structure Type Attribute Name Description If Not Provided
Bathymetry modification Depth Feature structure depth Assumed land if not provided
Wave runup Elevation Beach/structure elevation above mean water level (no effect if < 0.0) Assumed input depth
Floating breakwater Draft Floating breakwater draft (no effect if < 0.05 m) No effect
Wall breakwater Elevation Beach/structure elevation above mean water level (immersed if < 0.0) Assumed input depth
Rubble-mound Elevation Beach/structure elevation above mean water level (immersed if < 0.0) Assumed input depth
Piers/docks – High permeability Porous layer thickness See permeable structures below.
Rubble-mound breakwater – Low permeability Porous layer thickness See permeable structures below.

Permeable Structures

CMS-Wave treats cells designated as "Piers/Docks" and "Rubble Mound Breakwater" as if they have a structure that fills the entire water column. If the water level rises, the assumption is made that the structure is still all the way to the water surface (and beyond if needed). CMS-Wave ignores the specified depth for these cells when the structure type is specified. The layer thickness defines the thickness that will convey wave energy. Physically, this is like the distance from the mean sea level down to the footing of the pier group or dock structure. For a rubble mound, it is the distance below mean sea level where the mound sits on solid material (non-permeable).

Monitoring Station

Spectral output is generated for cells designated as monitoring station cells. Will also generate a station output file.

Nesting output

Spectral output is generated for nesting output cells cells to be used as input for a nested child grid.

GenCade monitoring station

Displaying Cell Attributes

The symbols and colors used to identify the attributes assigned to cells can be changed in the Display Options dialog.

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