SMS:Element Patch Workflow

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Revision as of 22:19, 23 August 2018 by Jcreer (talk | contribs)
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To create an element patch from an existing mesh, do the following:

1. Define area of mesh where the patch will be applied.
  1. Using the Create Nodestrings tool, create nodestrings enclosing the area to be patched.
    • The nodestrings do need to create an enclosed area without any gaps.
    • Four nodestrings are used to patch a paved area; three nodestrings are used to pave a patched area.
2. Convert section of mesh to the Map module.
  1. Using the Select Nodestrings tool, select the nodes strings
  2. Select the Data | Mesh→Map command
  3. In the Mesh→Map dialog, select the Nodestrings → Arcs option
  4. Click on Create New Coverage
  5. In the New Coverage dialog, select Mesh Generator.
  6. Click OK to close the Mesh→Map dialog
3. Generate mesh with patch elements.
  1. Build polygons in the new Mesh Generator coverage
  2. Set appropriate options on the polygons
  3. Generate a mesh from the coverage
4. Merge meshes.
  1. Select the original mesh and the new mesh in the Project Explorer
  2. Right-click on the selected meshes and choose the Merge 2D Meshes command.