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FLO-2D is a 2D hydrological-hydraulic dynamic flood model that simulates channel flow, unconfined overland flow, and street flow over complex topography. FLO-2D can simulate Newtonian and no-Newtonian flows over complex topography and roughness.

SMS can be used to generated geometry for using with the FLO-2D software.

FLO-2D Simulation

Starting in SMS 12.2, FLO-2D uses a simulation process. SMS can run multiple FLO-2D simulations using the same components. To create a new simulation, right-click in the Project Explorer and select New Simulation | FLO-2D. Components can then be linked to simulations by dragging the components under the simulation or by right-clicking on the component item and using the Link To submenu.

Components for the FLO-2D simulation include the following:

  • Cartesian Grid

FLO-2D Simulation Menu

Right-clicking on a FLO-2D simulation provides a menu with the standard simulation menu commands and the following commands specific to FLO-2D:

  • Model Check – Launches the model checker to look for problems with the simulation setup.
  • Export FLO-2D – Exports the *.rasgeo file containing the mesh information that will be converted during the simulation run.
  • Launch FLO-2D – Brings up the FLO-2D model wrapper and starts the simulation run. At the end of the simulation run, FLO-2D will have created a number of output files for use in the FLO-2D program.
  • Save, Export, and Launch FLO-2D – Completes the processes of saving the SMS project, exporting the FLO-2D files, and launching the FLO-2D simulation run.

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