User:Jcreer/SMS:BOUSS-2D Wave Generator

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Both the BOUSS-2D model and the BOUSS-2D Runup/Overtopping model use the BOUSS-2D Wave Generator Properties dialog. The dialog as accessed by right-clicking on a node or arc in a "Wave Maker" coverage type. Use the right-click menu command, Attributes, to bring up the BOUSS-2D Wave Generator Properties dialog.

The BOUSS-2D Wave Generator Properties dialog.

Wave Simulation Parameters

  • Type – options include "Regular", "Irregular Unidirectional", and "Irregular Multidimensional". Selecting "Irregular Multidimensional" will activate the Spread option, Standard dev., and Maximum cutoff fields under Directional Parameters.
  • Surface Elev. Time Series – can be "Synthesize" or "From File".
  • Spectrum source – can be "From Parameters" or "From File".
  • Random number seed
  • Series Duration

Directional Parameters

  • Projection
  • Spread option – options include "Wrapped Normal Distributions" and Cosine Power Function". This field is only active when the Wave Simulation Type is set for "Irregular Multidirectional".
  • Standard dev. – active when the Wave Simulation Type is set for "Irregular Multidirectional".
  • Maximum cutoff – active when the Wave Simulation Type is set for "Irregular Multidirectional".
  • Wave angle

Spectral Parameters

  • Type
  • Option
  • Use default storm duration
  • Add – create an additional wave column in the spreadsheet.
  • Delete – remove a selected wave column from the spreadsheet.