GMS:BCT Process

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The Block Centered Transport (BCT) package is needed if transport or density dependent flow is to be included in the model.

The BCT Process dialog is divided into two parts: one on the left which shows the main sections, and one on the right which shows the inputs for the current section.

Section Description
Comments Comment lines can be added and will appear at the top of the BCT file.
Variables Variables corresponding to item 1a in the BCT input file.
Species The list of species. The number of species equals MCOMP in the Variables section. GMS allows you to give each species a name.
Aquifer Properties Cell-by-cell inputs independent of species such as porosity.
Species Properties Cell-by-cell inputs that depend on the species, such as adsorption.
DDF Comments Comment lines can be added and will appear at the top of the DDF file.
DDF Package Inputs corresponding to the DDF (Density Driven Flow) package.


Comment lines can be added and will appear at the top of the BCT file.


Variables corresponding to item 1a in the BCT input file.


The list of species. The number of species equals MCOMP in the Variables section. GMS allows you to give each species a name.

Aquifer Properties

Cell-by-cell inputs independent of species such as porosity.

Species Properties

DDF Comments

DDF Package