User:Jcreer/SMS:Data Converstion

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The following is a list of conversion processes used in SMS.

1D Grid

A 1D Grid cannot be converted to other types of data.

The GenCade map module coverage can be converted to a 1D grid.


CAD data can be converted to the following:

Other data cannot be directly converted into CAD data while operating SMS. However, data in SMS can be exported into a CAD file format and imported back into SMS.

Cartesian Grid

A Cartesian grid can be converted to the following data types:

The following data types can be convert to a Cartesian grid:

GIS Data

GIS data can be convert to the following:

Data types cannot be converted to GIS objects in SMS. However, data can be exported as images or shapefiles to later be imported into the GIS module.


Map data can be converted from certain coverages to other types of data. Not all coverages have data conversion options. Coverages with conversion options can be converted to the following data types:

Coverage Type 2D Grid 2D Mesh 2D Scatter UGrid 1D Grid
1D-Hyd Centerline Yes check.png
1D-Hyd Cross Section Yes check.png
ADCIRC Yes check.png Yes check.png Yes check.png
ADH Yes check.png Yes check.png Yes check.png
Area Property Yes check.png Yes check.png Yes check.png
BOUSS2D Yes check.png
BOUSS2D Roughness Yes check.png
CGrid Generator Yes check.png
CGWAVE Yes check.png Yes check.png Yes check.png
CMS-Flow Boundary Conditions Yes check.png
CMS-Flow Save Points Yes check.png
CMS-Wave Yes check.png
FESWMS Yes check.png Yes check.png Yes check.png
GenCade Yes check.png Yes check.png
Generic Model Yes check.png Yes check.png Yes check.png
Mapping Yes check.png
Mesh Generator Yes check.png
Observation Yes check.png
Particle-Grogue Yes check.png
PTM Yes check.png Yes check.png Yes check.png
Quadtree Generator Yes check.png
SRH-2D (all coverage types) Yes check.png
Stamping Yes check.png
STWAVE Yes check.png Yes check.png
TABS (RMA2/RMA4) Yes check.png Yes check.png Yes check.png
TUFLOW Network Yes check.png
TUFLOW Grid Extants Yes check.png Yes check.png
WAM Yes check.png Yes check.png

Converting other data types to the Map module involves creating feature objects on a map coverage. In most cases, the feature objects are created on an existing coverage or a new coverage is generated during the process. Data types that can be convert to feature objects include:


Mesh data can be converted to the following data types:

The following data types can be converted to a 2D mesh:


Scatter data can be converted to the following data types:

Nearly all data types can be converted to a scatter data with the exception of a few map coverages, UGrids, and 1D grids.


At this time, UGrid cannot be converted to other types of data in SMS.

Data types that can be converted to UGrids includes:

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