WMS:Contour Labels

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The Contour Label Options tab in the Contour Options dialog is used to set the label color and font, the number of decimal places used to plot the label, and the spacing used when the labels are generated automatically. The default spacing value controls the placement of labels when labels are generated automatically. Labels can be added to contours in one of two ways:

  • If the contour label option is selected in the Contour Options dialog, labels are automatically placed on the contours.


  • In some modules, contour labels can be added manually to contours by selecting the Contour Labels tool File:WMSImage Icon ContLabel.png in the Tool Palette and clicking on the contours where labels are desired. By default, the data set value corresponding to the point that was clicked is computed and a label corresponding to the nearest contour value is drawn centered at the point that was clicked. An option can be set in the Contour Label Options dialog to use the exact value at the point that is clicked as opposed to using the nearest contour value. This option is useful to post data set value labels in regions where there are no contours.


If the mouse button is held down, a box showing the outline of the label is drawn. The box can then be positioned precisely with the mouse. A line is drawn from the box to the point that was clicked to help you keep track of the contour that was selected. Contour labels can be deleted by holding down the Shift key while clicking on a label.

The orientation of labels can either be parallel with the contours or always horizontal on the screen

The Remove Current Labels button will eliminate all contour labels, whether they were created with the labeling tool or automatically.

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