WMS:Importing an Image

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The first step in using a new digital image for either background display or for texture mapping is to import the image. This can be done by either selecting the Import command in the Images menu or using the Open command in the File menu with the correct extension and opening an image file (TIFF, JPEG, or MRSID). Image files will be either georeferenced (contain coordinate information embedded) or not.

Multiple Images

WMS now allows more than one image at a time, however you will want to insure that each image is in the same coordinate system and that they are adjacent or it will do little good to have more than one image.

Geo-Referenced TIFF Files

Without embedded coordinate information about the image, it must be registered to real world coordinates when first imported. Some image files have the coordinate information embedded as part of the image and are referred to as georeferenced images. When a georeferenced image is imported to WMS, the image is automatically registered.

Additionally, some images contain companion world files (separate text files with the coordinate information) that can be used to georeference the image. WMS automatically recognizes some world files and when they are the images are automatically georeferenced using the included information. If the world file is not recognized automatically it can still be imported from the registration dialog.

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