SMS:SRH-2D Pressure Flow Bridge Workflow

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To build an SRH-2D model using a pressure flow bridge, use the following steps:

2. Create pressure flow boundary conditions.
The pressure flow boundary conditions must be defined before running the simulation. To do this:
  1. Create a boundary conditions coverage.
  2. Create boundary condition arcs for the pressure flow.
  3. Assign boundary condition attributes to the pressure flow arcs.
3. Specify the simulation parameters.
The simulation parameters must be defined before running SRH-2D. To do this:
  1. Create new simulation.
  2. Add components to simulation.
  3. Set up the simulation Model Control parameters.
See also: SRH Simulation Workflow
4. Run the SRH-2D simulation.
  1. Save the project.
  2. Check the model.
  3. Simulation execution.
  4. Troubleshooting.
See also: SRH Simulation Workflow
5. Review results.

Results for the pressure flow can be visualized by doing the following:

  1. Create observation arcs.
  2. Run the Plot Wizard.