GMS:MODFLOW Interpolating Layer Data Workflow

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Interpolating layer data to an existing MODFLOW project by using the following steps:

1. Import elevation data into GMS.
  1. Use File | Open... to open files with scatter data.
    • Alternatively, drag and drop the file into the Graphics Window in GMS.
  2. Use the File Import Wizard to specify how to import the data.
2. Interpolate elevation data to MODFLOW.
  1. In the Project Explorer, right-click on the scatter point set and select Interpolate To | MODFLOW Layers.
  2. Set interpolation options in the Interpolate to MODFLOW Layers dialog.
3. Correct layer data.
  1. Select MODFLOW | Check Simulation.
  2. In the Model Checker dialog, select Run Check.
  3. Select Fix Layer Errors.
  4. Select correction method in the Fix Layer Errors dialog.