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A TIN can be constructed by triangulating a set of vertices. WMS connects the vertices with a series of edges to form a network of triangles. The resulting triangulation satisfies the Delauney criterion The Delauney criterion ensures that no vertex lies within the interior of any of the circumcircles of the triangles in the network (figure shown below).

As the triangulation process proceeds, adjacent triangles are compared to see if they satisfy the Delauney criterion. If necessary, the adjacent edge of the two triangles is swapped (the diagonal of the quadrilateral defined by the two triangles is changed to the other two vertices) in order to satisfy the Delauney criterion. This edge swapping process forms the basis of the triangulation algorithm.

When a new point is inserted into a TIN, the point is incorporated into the TIN and the edges of the triangles adjacent to the new point are swapped as necessary in order to satisfy the Delauney criterion. If the Delauney criterion is satisfied everywhere on the TIN, the minimum interior angle of all of the triangles is maximized. The result is that long thin triangles are avoided as much as possible.


It is important to note that the triangulation described above is used as a preliminary step to creating a TIN conditioned for basin delineation and is not sufficient in most cases for actually doing the drainage delineation. Even if you begin with TIN data you will want to create another TIN using feature objects.

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