WMS:HSPF Saving and Reading HSPF UCI Files

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While working on the definition of HSPF parameter, or when finished, save the data in an HSPF input (*.uci) file. The Save HSPF UCI File command in the HSPF menu saves all HSPF input data to an HSPF input file (*.uci). The format of this file is consistent with that defined in the HSPF users manual. This file may be named anything, but generally should have the .uci extension. Note that the HSPF input file does not save any geographic data; though the geographic data is not necessarily needed, it may be saved in a WMS superfile using the Save As command in the File menu.

Once an HSPF file has been saved, it may be read in later using the Open HSPF UCI File command. Opening this file will build a topological tree and assign the HSPF parameters to the tree. Then the parameters may be edited as described above.

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