WMS:TR-20 Run Simulation

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The version of TR20 distributed with WMS can be run directly from WMS by using the Run TR20 command in the TR20 menu. Before running a TR20 simulation, you should run the model checker. The model checker will help you identify serious and potential problems. These problems should be corrected before a successful run of TR20 can be made.

Model Check

The Model Check command should be issued once all necessary TR20 data has been defined. It will report any possible errors/inconsistencies in the model so that corrections can be made prior to executing TR20. The list of checks made is not complete and just because no errors are reported does not ensure that a successful and/or accurate analysis will be completed. It's encourage to report any additional checks that might be made while working through various problems.

Run TR20

The Run TR20 command will bring up a dialog to specify three files which are necessary to run TR20. The first file is the TR20 input file. The second is an ASCII output file generated by TR20. This output file can be used to extract specific results. It also contains important information which can be used to correct problems encountered when running TR20. The third file will contain hydrograph results for basins and outlets. View these results by reading this file with the Open command from the Hydrographs menu.

Once these files have been defined, then select OK to execute TR20. A separate window will appear and information about the TR20 simulation will be reported. If running with Microsoft Windows, close this window when TR20 terminates. On UNIX workstations the window closes automatically.

If TR20 is not executed successfully when issuing this command then be sure that the path to the TR20.EXE file (tr20 for UNIX) is located in the same directory as the WMS executable file.

If TR20 does not run to a successful completion, view the ASCII output file using the View File command in the File menu.

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