WMS:Project Explorer Contents for Terrain Data Module

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In the Terrain Data module, TINs and DEMs are listed in the Project Explorer. A toggle is next to each object; the toggle controls the visibility. The display is automatically updated when the toggle is checked or unchecked.


Right-clicking on the main Terrain Data folder allows you to create a New folder or TIN. Because TINs can be created by digitizing in WMS you can create a new, blank TIN. However, DEMs are only created by opening a DEM file type. If neither a TIN or DEM exists, then you can also perform a Coordinate Conversion on any existing terrain data.


Right-clicking on a TIN allows you to create a New folder, Delete, Duplicate, Rename, view Properties, or perform a Coordinate Conversion.


A TIN by default has an elevation dataset, but as flood plains are delineated additional data sets are created to hold the flood depth and water surface elevation datasets. For more information on datasets see Overview of Datasets.

Right clicking on a data set of a TIN allows you to Delete, Export, Rename, view Properties, or View values.


Right clicking on a DEM allows you to Delete or Rename, view Properties or Convert Coordinate Systems. All DEMs are created by either reading a file or converting from another data object, such as a TIN.


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