SMS:1D Grid Module

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The 1D grid module 1D Grid Icon.svg is used to display 1D coastal data.

A 1D grid can be created from a map coverage using the Create 1D Grid Frame Create 1D Grid Frame Tool.svg tool. A 1D grid is oriented with the water on the left and the land to the right. For example, if the 1D grid was oriented from north to south, the water would be to the east (left) and the land would be to the west (right). The dimensions of the 1D grid are specified using the grid frame.

The 1D grid module contains an interface for the GenCade shoreline morphology model.

Example of a 1D grid using the GenCade model

1D Grid Module Tools

These tools allow construction of a 1D grid, shorelines associated with the grid, and structures such as seawalls, groins and breakwaters associated with that shoreline.

  • Select 1D Grid Point Tool.svg Select Point – Selects or drags a point on the initial shoreline.
  • Create 1D Grid Point Tool.svg Create Point – Create a point along the coastline.
  • Select Detached Breakwater Tool.svg Select Detached Breakwater – Edits a breakwater positioned on the grid.
  • Create Breakwater Tool.svg Create Breakwater – Creates a breakwater in a simulation.
  • File:Select Jetty or Groin.png Select Jetty or Groin – Edits the length of a groin or jetty.
  • File:Create Jetty Groin.png Create Jetty or Groin – Creates a groin in a simulation.
  • File:Select Seawall.png Select Seawall – Edits the shape of an existing seawall.
  • File:Create Seawall.png Create Seawall – Creates seawall segments along the grid.

See 1D Grid Module Tools for more information.

1D Grid Module Menus

The following menus are available in the the 1D Grid module.

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