User:Jcreer/SMS:1D Module

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The purpose of the 1D Module is to provide tools to perform one dimensional hydraulic modeling within SMS. The module include tools to process digital terrain (scattered datasets) and map data (coverages) to build the basic geometry necessary for a 1D hydraulic model. Much of the information for developing models with these tools is described in the information on 1D Hyd Centerline and 1D Hyd Cross Section coverages in the Map module.

Currently the only major model supported is HEC-RAS.

The general process for developing a model consists of the following steps:

  1. Import bathymetry data.
  2. Developing a 1D-Hydraulic Centerline coverage including the centerline and optional bank arcs.
  3. Creating the cross section arcs at important/required locations along the section of river being modeled.
  4. A shapefile can be used to map roughness values to line properties on the cross sections.
  5. Extracting cross sections from the TIN and establish the 1D Model.
  6. Export the GIS data and finish defining HEC-RAS (or other models).

Alternatively, It is possible to establish the hydraulic model without extracting cross section information from a TIN. Cross sections which have already been surveyed can be assigning to an arc. This, along with geo-referencing the data is done using the cross section editor in the 1D Hyd Cross Section coverage.

The heart of the 1D River Hydraulic Module is a database of cross sections. A set of tools called the Cross Section Database Manager allows editing and managing the cross sections. All cross sections referenced from the 1D Module or the Map Module must be part of this database. Cross sections may be added to the database by importing data from an external source, hand editing in the Cross Section Database Manager, or extraction from topographic data in the Map Module.

Module Menus

See 1D River Module Menus for more information.

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