WMS:Long Term Simulation Dialog

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The GSSHA Long Term Simulation dialog.

The Long Term Simulation dialog allows for setting options for long term simulation running in GSSHA. It has the following sections and options:

  • General
    • Latitude – The latitude in decimal degrees.
    • Longitude – The longitude in decimal degrees.
    • GMT – The difference between local time and Greenwich Mean Time (expressed in positive or negative hours)
    • Minimum event discharge – A decimal value in cubic meters per second (m3/s).
    • Soil moisture depth – A decimal value in meters.
    • Define start and end times – Turn on to activate the four options below:
      • Starting date – Manually enter the starting date or use the small drop-down to select it from a calendar.
      • Starting time – Manually type in the starting time or use the Increment up and down arrows.png buttons to scroll to the desired time.
      • Ending date – Manually enter the ending date or use the small drop-down to select it from a calendar.
      • Ending time – Manually type in the ending time or use the Increment up and down arrows.png buttons to scroll to the desired time.
  • HMET – Use this section to define the distributed hydrometeorology (HMET) information.
    • Define single HMET file
      • HMET data file – Click Open Macro.svg to bring up the Open dialog and select the desired HMET definition file.
      • Format – Select the format of the HMET file from the following options:
        • Samson – This is an ASCII file with hourly HMET data formatted as per the NOAA/NCDC SAMSON CD-ROM data set. This set contains historical data from 1961-1990.
        • Surface Airways – Newer NCDC data that contain numerous data parameters in addition to the seven required inputs.
        • WES – An ASCII text format containing only the data required by the model for the simulation.
    • Define raster HMET files
      • Catalog file – Click Open Macro.svg to bring up the Choose the HMET Raster Catalog File Name dialog.
      • Raster folder – Click Open Macro.svg to bring up the Browse For Folder dialog. Select the folder containing the raster HMET files.
      • Starting date – Manually enter the starting date or use the small drop-down to select it from a calendar.
      • Starting time – Manually type in the starting time or use the Increment up and down arrows.png buttons to scroll to the desired time.
      • Ending date – Manually enter the ending date or use the small drop-down to select it from a calendar.
      • Ending time – Manually type in the ending time or use the Increment up and down arrows.png buttons to scroll to the desired time.
      • Time step – An integer value in hours.