SMS:Mesh Creation Workflow

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To create a mesh in SMS, use the following steps:

3. Review and edit elevation data.
  1. Review and set object Projections.
  2. Remove erroneous points.
  3. Add breaklines.
  4. Merge datasets.
  5. Stamp new features (channel, roadway embankment, or other).
4. Define model limits (domain).
  1. Generate a Mesh Generator map coverage.
    • For some models, create the model coverage that will hold the feature objects used to generate the mesh.
  2. Digitize arcs to define mesh limits.
  3. Define mesh density and type (in Mesh Generator coverage).
  4. Create arcs along key breaklines and notable features (banklines, structures, piers, road embankments, etc.).
  5. Set vertex spacing on arcs to define mesh element size.
  6. Specify mesh type for each polygon (pave / patch / none).
  7. Assign scatter data.
5. Generate mesh.
  1. Generate mesh.
6. Edit mesh.
  1. Remove excess elements.
  2. Remove thin triangles.
  3. Fix elements.