WMS:WMS User Manual 11.2
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This contains information about functionality available starting at WMS version 11.2. The content may not apply to other versions. |
WMS User Manual (v11.2)
The Watershed Modeling System
- 1. Introduction
- Introduction to WMS
- WMS Tutorials
- What's new in WMS version 11.2
- 1.1 Set Up
- Setting Up WMS
- Registering WMS
- Graphics Card Troubleshooting
- Command Line
- Readme
- License Agreement
- Hardware Locks
General Information
- 2. General Information
- Where Can I Get Data?
- 2.1. Layout
- Graphical User Interface
- Project Explorer Overview
- Plot Windows
- Plot Wizard
- Menu Bar
- Toolbars
- Help Strip
General Tools
- 3. General Tools
- Macros
- Units Toolbar
- Digitize Toolbar
- Static Tool Palette
- Dynamic Tool Palette
- Drawing Tools
- Get Data Toolbar
- Get Data Tool
- Setting up Film Loops
- Preferences
- Properties Window
- Keyboard Shortcuts
- 3.1. Menus
- File Menu
- Edit Menu
- Display Menu
- Help Menu
- Window Menu
- 3.2. Coordinate Systems
- Projections
- Projection Dialogs
- CPP Coordinate System
- Geographic Coordinate System
- Coordinate Tracking
- Editing XYZ Coordinates
- 3.3. The Display Options
- Display Options
- Choose Color Ramp
- Color Ramp
- Contour Options
- Display Order
- 3.4. CAD Data
- CAD Data
- 3.6. Other Tools
- Datasets
- Deleting Data
- Gages
- Map Flood
- XY Series Editor
- Land Use
- Exporting Dialog
- Customization Dialog
- 3.7. Images
- Images
- Registering an Image
- 3.8. Toolbox
- Toolbox
- Coverages Tools
- Datasets Tools
- Lidar Tools
- Rasters Tools
- UGrids Tools
Equations and Interpolation
- 4. Equations and Interpolation
- 4.1 Interpolation
- Interpolation Options
- Linear Interpolation
- Inverse Distance Weighted Interpolation
- Clough-Tocher Interpolation
- Natural Neighbor Interpolation
- Interpolating Hydraulic Model Results
- Computation of Interpolation Weights
- Subset Definition
- 4.2 Equations
- Assigning an Equation
- Customizing Equations
- Repeated Use of an Equation
- Variables Computed by WMS
- 4.2.a. Basin Data Equations
- Overview of Basin Data Equations
- Travel Times from Basin Data
- Colorado State Lag Time Equation
- Customized Lag Time Equation
- Denver Lag Time Equation
- Eagleson Lag Time Equation
- Espey Lag Time Equations
- Putnam Lag Time Equation
- Riverside County Lag Time Equation
- SCS Lag Time Equation
- Taylor Schwartz Lag Time Equation
- Tulsa District Lag Time Equation
- Fort Bend Tc Equation
- Kerby Tc Equation
- Kirpich Tc Equation
- Ramser Tc Equation
- 5. Modules
- Modules
- 5.1. Terrain Data Module
- Terrain Data Module
- Terrain Data Tools
- Project Explorer Contents for Terrain Data Module
- 5.1.1. Digital Elevation Model (DEMs)
- DEM Guidelines
- DEM Menu
- Importing USGS DEMs
- Importing Flow Directions and Accumulations
- Editing DEMs
- Editing DEM Elevations
- Delineation with DEMs
- Smoothing DEMs
- DEM Point Attributes
- DEM Files
- Converting DEMs
- DEM Basins
- 5.1.2. Triangulated Irregular Networks(TINs)
- TIN Guidelines
- Creating TINs
- TIN Breaklines
- Streams
- TIN Basins
- TIN Menu
- Convert TINs
- Triangulation
- Reservoirs
- Watershed Delineation with TINs
- TIN Options
- Outlets
- Vertices
- 5.2. Drainage Module
- Drainage Module
- Drainage Data to Feature Objects
- Drainage Tools
- Drainage Module Feature Objects
- Drainage Module Menus
- Computing Area Between Elevations
- 5.3. Map Module
- Map Module
- Map Tools
- Mapping Tables
- Conceptual Model
- Project Explorer Contents for Map Module
- 5.3.a. Coverages
- Coverages
- Coverage Overlays
- 1D-HYD Centerline
- 1D-HYD Cross Section
- Area Property Coverage
- Drainage
- Flood Barrier
- Flood Extent
- Flow Paths and Barrier Coverages
- General Coverage
- Land Use Coverage
- MODRAT Tc Coverage Type
- NSS Region Coverage
- Rain Gage
- Soil Type Coverage
- Time Computation
- 5.3.b. Feature Objects
- Feature Objects
- Feature Object Guidelines
- Feature Objects Menu
- 5.4. Hydrologic Modeling Module
- Hydrologic Modeling Module
- Hydrologic Modeling Tools
- Hydrographs
- Project Explorer Contents for Hydrologic Modeling Module
- Combining Arc Travel Times
- Elevation Discharge Relationship
- Storage Capacity Curves
- Hydrologic Modeling Wizard Overview
- Topologic Trees
- 5.4.1 Hydrologic/Hydraulic Calculators
- Hydrologic/Hydraulic Calculators
- Lag Time and Time of Concentration
- Compute GIS Attributes
- Detention Basin Calculator
- Channel Calculator
- Weir Calculator
- Curb and Gutter Flow Analysis
- 5.5. River/Hydraulic Modeling Module
- Hydraulic Modeling
- Hydraulic Toolbox
- Mapping the Conceptual Model to a River Schematic
- Project Explorer Contents for River Module
- Editing Cross Sections
- Extract Cross Sections
- Managing Cross Sections
- River Tools
- 5.5.a. Floodplain Delineation
- Overview of Floodplain Delineation
- Delineate Floodplain
- Preparing Stage Data
- 5.6. GIS Module
- GIS Module
- GIS Menus
- GIS Tools
- Project Explorer Contents for GIS Module
- GIS Conversion and Editing
- Lidar
- GIS Tables
- Soil Type
- Creating Watershed Models
- Mapping to Feature Objects
- Extract Features Tool
- 5.7. 2D Grid Module
- 2D Grid Module
- Grid Options
- 2D Grid Module Project Explorer
- 2D Grid Display Options
- 2D Grid Tools
- Active/Inactive Cells
- Data Type Conversion
- 5.8. 2D Scatter Point Module
- 2D Scatter Point Module
- Project Explorer Contents for 2D Scatter Module
- 6. Models
- Models
- Model Selection
- Model Wrapper
- 6.1. CE-QUAL-W2
- CE-QUAL-W2 Menu
- CE-QUAL-W2 Branches
- CE-QUAL-W2 Layer Editor
- CE-QUAL-W2 Bathymetry
- 6.2. EPANET
- 6.3. Gridded Surface Subsurface Hydrologic Analysis (GSSHA)
- GSSHA Automated Calibration
- GSSHA Manual Calibration
- GSSHA Channel Routing
- GSSHA Contaminants
- GSSHA Detention Basin Rating Curve
- GSSHA Digital Dams
- GSSHA Embankment Arcs
- GSSHA Feature Arcs
- GSSHA Feature Nodes
- GSSHA Feature Polygons
- GSSHA Groundwater
- GSSHA Hydraulic Structures
- GSSHA Input Data
- GSSHA Mapping Tables
- GSSHA Maps
- GSSHA Menu
- GSSHA Multiple Simulations
- GSSHA Nutrients
- GSSHA Observations
- GSSHA Output Control
- GSSHA Overland Soil Erosion
- GSSHA Precipitation
- GSSHA Solution Analysis
- GSSHA Solution Data
- GSSHA Stream Arcs
- Pipe and Node Parameters
- Radar Rainfall
- Save GSSHA Project File
- MWBM Wizard
- 6.3.1. GSSHA Job Control
- GSSHA Job Control
- GSSHA Batch Mode/Stochastics
- GSSHA Channel Routing Parameters
- GSSHA Groundwater
- GSSHA Snowmelt Options
- GSSHA Storm/Tile Drain
- Long Term Simulation
- Richard's Parameters
- SAC-SMA Model
- 6.4. HY-12
- HY-12
- 6.5. Hydrologic Engineering Center-1 (HEC-1)
- HEC-1
- HEC-1 Parameters
- Basin HEC-1 Cards
- Routing HEC-1 Cards
- Diversion HEC-1 Cards
- HEC-1 Job Control
- Computing Area Between Elevations
- Weighted Average Precipitation
- 6.6. Hydrologic Engineering Center-Hydrologic Modeling System (HEC-HMS)
- HEC-HMS Base Flow
- HEC-HMS Convert Grids
- HEC-HMS Defining the Meteorological Model
- HEC-HMS Gages
- HEC-HMS Job Control
- HEC-HMS Loss Methods
- HEC-HMS Post-Processing
- HEC-HMS Properties
- HEC-HMS Transform
- HEC-HMS Meteorological Model
- 6.7. Hydrologic Engineering Center-River Analysis System (HEC-RAS)
- HEC-RAS Bridges/Culverts
- HEC-RAS Unsteady Modeling
- 6.8. Hydrological Simulation Program—FORTRAN (HSPF)
- HSPF Automatic Segmentation of Land Segments
- HSPF Edit Parameters
- HSPF External Sources
- HSPF External Targets
- HSPF Global Options
- HSPF Mass Links
- HSPF Modules
- HSPF WDM File Interaction
- 6.9. MODified RATional Method (MODRAT)
- MODRAT WMS Interface
- MODRAT Creating Burned Simulations
- MODRAT Edit Parameters
- MODRAT Input/Output Hydrographs
- MODRAT Job Control Parameters
- MODRAT Numbering the Tree
- Using GIS Data to Map Parameters
- 6.10. National Streamflow Statistics Program (NSS)
- NSS Computing Peak Discharges
- 6.11. Orange County Hydrology
- Orange County Hydrology
- 6.11.a Orange County Unit Hydrograph
- Orange County Unit Hydrograph
- OC Unit Hydro Effective Precipitation
- OC Unit Hydro Small Area Hydrographs
- OC Unit Hydro Unit Hydrograph Method
- OC Unit Hydro Using GIS Data
- 6.11.b Orange County Rational Method
- Orange County Rational Method
- OC Losses
- OC Rational Initial Sub-area Time of Concentration
- OC Rational Job Control
- OC Rational Reach Routing
- OC Rational Sub-area Data
- OC Rational Tree Mapping
- 6.12. Rational Method
- Rational Method
- Rational Method Basin Data
- Rational Method Computing Hydrographs
- Rational Method Edit Parameters
- Rational Method Equation
- Rational Method Outlet Data
- Rational Method Rainfall Intensity
- Rational Method Traditional vs Route by Summing
- Runoff Coefficient Table
- 6.13. Storm Drain
- Storm Drain
- 6.14. Simplified Dam-Break (SMPDBK)
- Defining Roughness
- SMPDBK Post Processing
- 6.15. SWMM – Storm Water Management Model
- SWMM Hydraulic Properties
- 6.16. TR-20
- TR-20
- TR-20 Edit Parameters
- TR-20 Basin Data
- TR-20 Diversion Data
- TR-20 Reservoir Data
- TR-20 Routing Data
- TR-20 Job Control Parameters
- TR-20 Output Control
- 6.17. TR-55
- TR-55
- TR-55 Basin Data
- TR-55 Outlet Data
- TR-55 Hydrographs
- TR-55 Edit Parameters
- 6.17.a. Map Data Equations
- Overview of Map Data Equations
- Travel Times from Map Data
- User Defined Time of Concentration
- FHWA Sheet Flow Equation
- FHWA Shallow Concentrated Flow
- FHWA Channel Flow
- TR-55 Sheet Flow Equation
- TR-55 Shallow Concentrated Flow Equation
- TR-55 Channel Flow Equation
- Maricopa County Time of Concentration
- 7. Modeling
- WMS Basic Modeling Concepts
- Louisiana DOTD Modeling Overview
- Maricopa County Modeling
- Stochastic Modeling
- 7.1. WMS to HY-8
- Path of Data from WMS To HY8
- HY8 Modeling Wizard
- Project Filename
- Define Project Bounds
- Watershed Data
- Download Data
- Read Data
- Define Culvert Roadway Data
- Compute Flow Directions and Flow Accumulations
- Choose Outlet Locations
- Delineate Watershed
- Select Model
- HMW Job Control
- Define Land Use and Soil Data
- Hydrologic Computations
- Define Precipitation
- Clean Up Model
- Run Hydrologic Model
- Crossing Discharge Data
- Setup Tailwater Channel
- Culvert and Site Data
- Run Culvert Analysis
- Define Flood Inundation Polygon
- Storage Capacity Data
- Define Upstream Channel
- Delineate Inundated Area
- Define and Smooth Streams
Importing/Exporting Data
- 8. Importing/Exporting Data
- File Import Wizard
- File Extension
- Import and Export GIS Files
- 8.1 File Support
- WMS Supported File Formats
- WMS Native Files
- WMS Non-native Files
- ASCII Dataset Files
- Binary Dataset Files
- DSS Files
- DSS File I/O
- DSS Files-WMS Interface
- File I/O
- Hydrograph Files
- Image Files
- GRASS Grid (GSSHA Maps)
- Land Use Files
- Read Stage File
- Shapefiles
- Soil Type Runoff Coefficient Files
- WMS Project Files
- XY Series Files
- 9. Appendix
- Release Notes
- References